Healthcare - Hospitals & Clinics
Hours of Operation:
8:00-5:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
Driving Directions:
Located across Downtown Moneta in the Mayberry Hills Community. Located adjacent to the Moneta YMCA.
About Us
The Cardiovascular Group of the Centra Stroobants Heart Center, Moneta office, is located in the Mayberry Hills Community. Our board-certified cardiologists, Chad Hoyt, M.D., Jason Hackenbracht, M.D., Thomas Meyer, M.D., and David Truitte, M.D., are national leaders in cardiovascular care and the Centra Stroobants Heart Center is nationally recognized for being one of the best heart centers in the country. Each of our physicians are board-certified in cardiovascular medicine, while most of them also specialize in specific cardiac diagnostics and treatments. They save lives by routinely treating heart attacks 30 minutes faster than the national average. For you, this means we can provide you with a full-range of cardiovascular care, including noninvasive testing.
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