About Us
Through God’s love, we foster hope by empowering families, youth, and adults to lead fulfilling lives.
HopeTree Family Services offers a wide range of ministries for at-risk children and youth and their families across Virginia, including:
HopeTree Foster Care introduces children who need stable, loving homes to families who can provide them. We operate Treatment Foster Care offices in Salem, Chester, and Martinsville, and Richmond.
HopeTree Academy provides a fully-accredited secondary educational program for our residents and day students from surrounding jurisdictions while they cope with their individual circumstances.
Our Therapeutic Group Home program in Salem provides opportunities for the spiritual, social, psychological, and emotional growth of at-risk youth.
We also serve the needs of adults with intellectual disabilities and their families through our Developmental Disabilities Ministry, which operates nearly 20 community-based group homes across Virginia.
Christian Education provides opportunities for our youth and adults to participate in regular chapel services and bible studies on campus and throughout the community. Ministry groups and individuals from local churches and organizations also volunteer their time to provide programs and activities for our residents.
HopeTree Family Services is supported by the Virginia Baptist Children’s Home & Family Services Foundation, and is a mission partner of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board.
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