WineriesBreweries / Distilleries / Wineries
Driving Directions:
From Bedford, take 460 West for 1 mile, turn right on 680 for 5.5 miles, turn left at entrance sign.
About Us
Fruit of the Farm wines are made from a wide variety of fruits grown here on the farm located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains at the foot of the Peaks of Otter.
Many types of fruit wines similar to Grandma's wines are lovingly created here. Some are made from ancestor's recipes. Visitors to the winery are invited to roam about the farm. There are farm animals of all types, thousands of fruit trees, increasing numbers of grape vines, creeks, ponds, and a picnic area. These and gracious hosts makes this winery uniquely suited to family visits, for fruit, fruit products, wine or our vacation rental house.
Business Hours:
The winery is open April-July - seven days a week, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
August-October - seven days a week. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.
November-December. Seven days a week. 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
January-March - open Saturday & Sunday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm, and all other times by appointment or chance.
Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day
There seems to be no diminishing interest by our winemakers with regard to varieties of wine. Presently about 30 varieties are produced. With the help and encouragement of many winemakers, dedicated family, and the desire to become a quality producer of fine fruit wines we are proud to take our place among the finest wineries.