Attractions / EntertainmentRecreation/AttractionsRental ServicesRetail - Other
MON-TUES: 10am-6pm
THURS-SUN: 10am-6pm
About Us
Roanoke Mountain Adventures is here to support your outdoor adventures in the beautiful Roanoke region! Surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains, Appalachian Trail, National Forests and scenic rivers, the greater Roanoke area offers world-class outdoor recreation opportunities for all ages and abilities.
At RMA's outdoor gear consignment shop, you can consign or buy apparel, bikes, boats, backpacks, camping gear, outdoor footwear, climbing and fishing gear, and an ever-changing variety of other outdoor equipment. Consignors get at least 60% of all sale proceeds, making it a great way to recycle your used outdoor gear and save up for more stuff! And shoppers can find great items at an unbeatable value.
We also now stock a still-growing assortment of outdoor equipment. Our river section features life vests, paddles, straps, dry bags, and more from NRS. We carry camping and backpacking equipment including tents, sleeping equipment, fuel, stoves, trekking poles, and freeze dried food from brands such as JetBoil and Kelty. We have rock climbing essentials and gear.
RMA also offers a full-service bike shop. We repair all types of bikes with a focus on friendly & informative service at a great value. We carry a large assortment of used and new bikes, bike parts & accessories. RMA stocks bikes from Marin, State, Ibis and other great brands in addition to featuring an ever-changing mix of used and custom-built bikes.
Looking to rent? We offer a fleet of hybrid bikes to enjoy the Roanoke River Greenway. We also carry high-quality mountain bikes to
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