Community Organizations/Non-Profit
About Us
Welcome to the Smith Mountain (VA) Branch of AAUW!
Our members represent three counties in the Smith Mountain Lake area of Southwest Virginia (Bedford, Franklin, and Pittsylvania). Whether living on or off the lake, we are treated to some of the best scenery our beautiful state has to offer. Conveniently located between Roanoke and Lynchburg in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Smith Mountain Lake is less than four hours drive from anywhere in the state and just 4.5 hours from Washington, DC. 2020 marked the 20th anniversary of the Smith Mountain Branch. In April of 2014 we had the pleasure of hosting the Virginia State Conference. Our region will be hosting the 2024 conference in April 2024, this time in Lynchburg, and our branch will be helping. We are 75+ members strong and enjoy a variety of activities that provide opportunities to pursue education and community service.
Along with the desire for life long learning that we share, AAUW’s Mission Statement – “To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.” – is at the heart of our meetings and other activities. Our branch meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday in the January, March, May, and September . Programs include local speakers who are active in mission-related activities promoting the interests of women and girls.
Branch activities include STEM projects with local students, a study group reading classic literature, and our international studies group.
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