Community Organizations/Non-Profit
Meeting: 6;00 P.M. on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the Waterfront Country Club
Driving Directions:
The address on the Waterfront C. C. is 275 Anchor Drive, Moneta, VA 24121
About Us
Chicago insurance man, Melvin Jones, started the organization that was to become The International Association of Lions Cubs in 1917. Since then, Lions International has grown to about 46,000 clubs in 209 countries with over 1.35 million members.
The Smith Mountain Lake Lions Club was chartered on March 12, 1982, and was sponsored by the Rocky Mount Lions Club. There were 33 Charter Members of the Club; Stanley Reader was the first president of the Club. In just a short period of time, the SML Lions Club grew to be one of the largest Lions Clubs in the state of Virginia with a current membership of 74.
The Club has provided outstanding community service to Smith Mountain Lake, Franklin County and Bedford County since it was organized and chartered.