Vacation RentalsRental Services
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays during peak season
Driving Directions:
Half a mile north of the Halesford Bridge, in the Halesford Center Complex
About Us
Whether it's a weekend away or a full week to get together with family and friends, we want to connect you with the perfect accommodations. Smith Mountain Lake Vacation Rentals is proud to be a part of your adventure! The summer brings boating, swimming and grilling lakeside. Things that reunite families in making memories. During peak season we reserve weekly. In the Spring and Fall of the year the outstanding views are beyond compare. Homes are available for a minimum two-night stay. Holiday Weekends are a three-night minimum.
We look forward to having you fall in love with the lake as we have. With over 25 years of experience in property management we know how to make your vacation successful.